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                          If you are looking for the best songs and stories for children,
                        let the words and music of A Gentle Wind surround you with wonder and magic....

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Pam Donkin & Greta Pedersen's
Magical Music Express

Friendship Stew

Film Advisory Board Award of Excellence
Friendship Stew simmers with a zesty mix of musical flavors; swing, rock, and folk melodies blend with ingredients from far away places. Then Pam and Greta add a pinch of zaniness and a whole lot of sing along fun. It all boils down to sharing - ideas, games, languages, music, feelings and laughter - as we celebrate the differences that make each of us unique.
The CD includes bonus tracks with a parent/teacher guide, puzzles, games and activities. Ages 5-12

GW1062  CD $14.95


You Are My Friend
I Hate To Make A Mistake  Listen
R-U-O-K?   Listen
I’ve Got The Power  Listen
Day-O (Daylight Come)
Molly’s Dance
Everything Works Out Perfectly  Listen
Sittin’ By the River
Friendship Stew
Learning Languages
Funga Alafia
Peter's Brook (Peter's Brünnele)
The Frog's Song
La Granja
Che Che Kule

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